
Belgian Beers Shop Online

Welcome to the Belgian Beers Paradise. More than 1.250 Belgian beers are presented for you !!! Find here the perfect selection of Belgian beers..

With more than 160 breweries represented, we can say that BelgianShop is the "WebShop" of the Belgian beers!!

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Trappist beers

There are 12 Trappist breweries in the world. Only beers brewed in an abbey, under the supervision of a anastic community of the Cistercian tradition, have the right to this rigorously controlled label of origin. The 6 trappist beers in Belgium are Achel, Orval, Chimay, Rochefort, Westmalle and Westvleteren. Of the 6 Belgian trappist beers, 3 are brewed in Wallonia. We find the other Trappist breweries in Austria, France, Italy, USA and Holland (2). These are top fermentation beers with after-fermentation in the bottle.

Abbey beers

As the designation " bière d'Abbaye" ( abbey beer) has always been synonymous with quality and tradition, many breweries have used it. In fact these beers are not brewed by monks. Some even carry the names of abbey which have never existed. The term abbey may indicate that the beer is brewed in the way used by monks, that there is an abbey nearby or, simply, that there is a monk on the label. These beers have no specific characteristics. In the last few years, a new category of Abbey beers has appeared. These are beers produced by a private brewery, installed within the confines of a abbey deserted by the original occupants in the past ( Abbaye des Rocs, Val Dieu, Abbaye d'Aulne...)

Christmas Beers

Many breweries produce special beers during December. Some are stronger than the usual beers, others are spiced.

Flanders Red

A Flanders Red, are commonly referred to as the "red" beers of West Flanders. Belgian Red Beers are typically light-bodied brews with reddish-brown colors. They are infamous for their distinct sharp, fruity, sour and tart flavours which are created by special yeast strains. Very complex beers, they are produced under the age old tradition of long-term cask aging in oak, and the blending of young and old beers.

Geuze Lambic Fruits

At 400 years old, Lambics have been in production longer than any other commercially brewed beer. They are brewed in Brussels is much the same way as they have been since the 16th century. Lambics are unique among other beers in that they rely on spontaneous fermentation to brew. Yeasts aren't added into the kettle like other beers, the nfermented brew is instead run into an open copper tank that is stored in the attic of the brewery. The windows are left open to allow the brew to cool. This is where the wild, airborne yeasts interact with the beer. Later, it is stored for up to three years in wooden barrels, compounding the process and giving lambics their completely unique and unforgettable flavor and body. This unique brewing style also leads to a unique drinking experience. Lambic bears little resemblance to most beers you have probably tasted. Crisp, earthy, dry, tart, sometimes bordering on downright sour. Unblended lambics are a rarity. Usually, lambics are blended with fruity flavors to make them more accessible. Remember, though, not all fruit beers are lambics.

Gluten Free

Gluten-free beer is beer made from ingredients that do not contain gluten such as millet, rice, sorghum, buckwheat or corn (maize). Gluten-free beer is part of a gluten-free diet. People who have gluten intolerance (including celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis sufferers) have a reaction to certain proteins in the grains commonly used to make beer, barley and wheat. The hordein found in barley and the gliadin found in wheat are types of gluten that can trigger symptoms in sufferers of these diseases. 

Low/No Alcohol

Non-alcoholic beer has become increasingly popular in recent years. Actually, 'low alcohol' is a better name, because the beer still contains alcohol, but an extremely low percentage. Non-alcoholic beers may contain up to 0.1% alcohol, which is fifty times less than the alcohol percentage of an average lager.


Pils is the all-around beer. It is the most produced and most consumed in the world and the largest international breweries are essentially based on this type of beer. Helping along its wide popularity, it is considered by a large number among us to be an excellent beer to accompany daily meals, as an alternative to wine or "table beer". But a lesser-know fact about Pils is that it is above all a "modern" beer since it is produced using techniques discovered just at the end of the XIXth century. Since then, through no real effort of its own, it has driven a series of other beers into oblivion. And althought it seems to be slowing slightly in recent times, due to specialty beers being drunk in higher quantities than ten or twenty years ago, it still leads the pack and is the preferred beer of Belgians in terms of litres consumed.

Special beers

There are many beers with different characters, whether due to their flavour, level of alcohol, region of production, colour, etc. One might think that the belong to no category. In reality, there are all placed in a category know as " Belgian Specials" , a bit of a catch-all, but distinguished by the fact that these beers are found only in Belgium.

Season beers

These beers are particularly brewed in the Hainaut province. Originally they were produced by brewer farmers during the winter months, then kept for consumption in the summer. The beer had to be robust enough to keep for several months but not too strong, as it was to serve as a thirst-quenching drink for the harvesting period. Season beers are generally orange-tinted. They are top fermented and bottled in champagne-style bottles. Their carbonisation and sharpness are very refreshing. There is an emphasis on fruitness in the flavour. They are sometimes spicy .

White beers

This is a category of beers based on wheat, which are very refreshing, generally flavoured ( coriander, orange peel, etc..). Specialities of the Louvain region, the white beers, which are so called because their pale colour, were originally made from barley ( about 45%), wheat ( 45 %) and oats ( 10%). After the First World War production was stopped, following restrictions on oats and wheat. Since then production has started up again in the region, but only with barley and wheat. Hoegaarden is the beer mainly concerned.

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La Trappe Alcohol FREE 0,0° - 1/3L
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La Trappe Nillis is a dark, amber-coloured Trappist beer with an off-white head. The accessible non-alcoholic Trappist beer has an extensive malty, caramel-sweet aftertaste. The smell of malt and caramel merges with the fresh and fruity aromas produced by the yeast and hops.
Cornet Alcohol FREE 0,3° - 1/3L
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CORNET Oaked Alcohol-free is an alcohol-free blonde Belgian beer that is flavoured by adding oak chips during brewing. Everything starts with CORNET Oaked. We remove the alcohol from the beer, but retain as much as possible of its unique wood character and subtle vanilla touch. What remains is a smooth and extremely tasty, alcohol-free speciality beer.
Hoegaarden Rosée Alcohol FREE 0,0 - 1/4L
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Avoiding Radler, a mixture of beer and lemonade, the Brabant brewery offers us here a more malty and fruity drink, with a very sweet character but a certain presence. Without being unpleasant, the Rosée is very sweet and the taste of beer disappears behind this presence.
Kwaremont Alcohol FREE 0,3° - 1/3L
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The Kwaremont 0.3 is the alcohol-free little sister of the Kwaremont.
Whether you want to party responsibly or quench your thirst after intense exertion, Kwaremont 0.3 has you covered.
This attacking blonde has a full-bodied temperament with a spicy touch and a pronounced thirst-quenching finish.
Chouffe Alcohol FREE 0,4° - 1/3L
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Discover a new beer that does have the unique flavour of Chouffe (which gnomes just go crazy for) but that doesn’t have any alcohol in it.
Estaminet Alcohol FREE 0,0° - 1/4L
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Estaminet 0.0 is a refreshing non-alcoholic Belgian beer. Refreshing and full of flavor thanks to the expertise of our brewers, this alcohol-free variant is a sensible and tasty alternative.
Viven Nada IPA 0,3° - 1/3L
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Soft character supported by aromahops. This fruity non-alcoholic alternative is to be enjoyed endlessly. Comparable to a floral New England IPA, balanced in the aftertaste. Fruity and fresh the evening itself, and the day after!
Gageleer Free Alcohol 1/3L
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Gageleer No Alcohol is a pale yellow beer with a white head. In the nose fruity and malty scents with hints of gale for the finest noses and taste buds. Malt in the mouth and softly sweet, little bitter. None of them predominant, but despite the absence of alcohol a broad and balanced taste palette. Gageleer No Alcohol is a refreshingly tasty beer.
Gulden Draak Smoked 10,5° - 1/3L
For the creation of the Gulden Draak Smoked, we go back to the ancient tradition of malt drying: smoking malt. This resulted in a smoked touch of the malt which you afterwards also could find in the beer. This typical smoky taste was lost over the years because the malt drying techniques were made considerably more efficient.

The use of smoked malt in combination with the specialty of Brewery Van Steenberge has a spectacular result: a heavy quality beer of high fermentation with a secondary fermentation in the bottle, baptized as Gulden Draak Smoked. The smoked malt in the recipe gives the beer a velvety soft roasted taste.
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De Dochter van de Korenaar Bravoure 6.5° - 1/3L
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Warm amber coloured smokey beer with high fermentation, 6.5% vol.

Bravoure takes its smoke flavor from a good dose of “Bamberg Rauchmalz” smoked with beech wood. The subtle smokey aspects combine very well with the slightly sweet caramel notes of the ‘Cara-Munich malt. This results in a balanced smoky beer with a subtle caramel flavor.
Ideal with smoked meats and barbecue.

Style: Smoke Beer
Stella Artois 0,0% - 1/4L
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Stella Artois 0.0% is an alcohol-free lager that stays true to the classic Stella Artois and was launched in Belgium in June 2020. This lager contains only 46kcal per 25cl. That is less than half of a normal lager beer. Due to the combination of Belgian Brewing expertise and the best natural ingredients; this non-alcoholic lager is bursting with flavor.
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Maes Zero % - 1/4L
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Maes OO% is a 100% alcohol-free beer. The beer has a perfectly balanced refreshing flavor thanks to its fruity aromas and light malt notes. In addition, with its 20kcal / 100ml, it is particularly low in calories. First, the Maes OO% is fermented, after which the alcohol is extracted from it. Maes OO% is an ideal alternative for friends who are looking for an alcohol-free alternative for shared moments… with friends.
Liefmans Fruitesse 0,0% - 1/4L
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Just like the Liefmans Fruitesse you trust and love but simply without alcohol: that's Liefmans Fruitesse Alcohol Free for you! Treat yourself to the same fruity bouquet of cherry, raspberry, blueberry, elderberry and strawberry. Served on the rocks this refreshing alcohol free beer gives adds a sparkle to your every day. Cheers!
Bière des Amis 0,0% ALC - 1/3L
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What is unique about our de-alcoholization method? A low pressure under vacuum exerted on our beer allows the alcohol to evaporate at a very low temperature (30°C max). This prevents the loss of volatile aromas and ensures that the organoleptic qualities of our original Bière des Amis are maintained. Most of its gustatory and aromatic characteristics are thus preserved.
The assembly ensures a good structure, harmony and balance of the Bière des Amis ® 0.0% alc.
Affligem Blond 0.0% - 1/3L
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None of the alcohol, all of the rich Belgian taste. Affligem Blond 0.0% is a light golden ale with a soft fruitiness, backed by a subtle bitterness
(4,5/5) on 2 rating(s)
PEAK 0.0% - 1/3L
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The taste of Peak without the alcohol!

Thanks to a vacuum distillation process preserving the taste of beer, find the typical flavors of our Peak Blonde with notes of citrus and hops.
Leffe Brune 0,0% - 1/3L
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Leffe Bruin 0.0% is the first completely alcohol-free dark abbey beer in Belgium. It has a deep autumnal brown color and a roasted aroma with hints of caramel.
(3/5) on 2 rating(s)
Fonteinen Hommage BIO Framboos 6.3° - 3/4L
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This particular Hommage has macerated for 5.5 months on a 2,000 litre oak foeder and with 280 kilos of sour cherries and 837 kilos of organic raspberries. The final fruit intensity is 372 grams of fruit per litre of Hommage. 100% 3 Fonteinen. 3 Fonteinen Hommage is the result of macerating hand-picked whole sour cherries and raspberries on young lambic for at least four months, in a proportion of 760 to 800 grams of raspberries and 200 to 240 grams of sour cherries per litre of lambic. This fruit lambic is then blended again with more lambic to obtain a minimum intensity of 35% fruit. Hommage is a bodied raspberry lambic beer, with an intense deep red forest fruit bouquet. This unfiltered and unpasteurised lambic is all-natural with no artificial juices, syrups, or sugars added.
Dekoninck Oude Kriek A l'Ancienne 6.5° - 37,5cl
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Brewed at Frank Boon brewery, this beer is delivered worldwide. Dekoninck Kriek is a spontaneous fermented beer made of old and young Lambic beer aged on oak barrels. Per liter beer 400 grams of cherries are used. Sweet-sour easy-drinking Kriek. Brewed at the Boon brewery.
BZART Kriek Cuvée 2011 7.2° - 3/4L
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Bzart Kriek Cuvée 2011 has its origins in the collaboration between Domus Ad Fontes and the brewery 'Oud Beersel'. Oud Beersel is known for its artisanal lambic brewed according to ancient traditional methods and Domus Ad Fontes as a winemaker with the oldest vineyard in Belgium where emanates splendid sparkling wines ultra gross.
Brugse Sport Zot 0,4° - 1/3L
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Brewed at the Halve Maan brewery, Sportzot is the first alcohol-free Belgian speciality beer with a very rich and unique taste. The new technique allows the brewers to filter out the alcohol in a natural way, without distilling nor using other manipulations, the brouwers can assure the rich taste of our speciality beer.
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De Oude Cam Trosbessen 6.5° - 3/4L
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Produce buy Geuzestekerij De Cam - delivery worldwide - De Cam Trosbessen is made with 45 kg of Red current berries per 100 liter Kriek. The entire berries are used. 
De Oude Cam Wilde Bosbessem 6° - 3/4L
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DE CAM WILDE BOSBESSEN (WILD BLUEBERRIES) - delivery Worldwide - De Cam Wilde Bosbessen is an unfiltered Lambic-Fruit beer made with 40 kg wild blueberries per 100 liter young lambic beer, aged on oak foeders.  
3 Fonteinen Oude Kriekeblambik 5.4° - 37.5CL
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This Oude Kriekenlambik, brewed by 3 Fonteinen brewery,  is made by macerating cherries on young, traditional Lambic beer for at least 4 months. Unfiltered without any addition of colouring or flavouring agents.
Framboise Lambiek De Cam 6° - 3/4L
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De Cam Framboise-Lambiek is made with young Lambic beer and about 30 kg raspberries per 100 liter Framboise. This beer has no foam head and has a fresh and sour raspberry taste. No adding of artificial sweeteners, aromas or pigment. 
Nectarine Lambiek De Cam 6.5° - 3/4L
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Bottled in 2016. Lambic aged with Nectarines for several months. 40kg of nectarines were used for 100 liters of lambic. 75 cl 6.5%
Cantillon Nath 5° - 3/4L
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From Cantillon brewery, you find in this beer rhubarb was mixed with a blend of one and two years old Lambic before conditioning.
Hoegaarden 0.0 33cl - Can
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Hoegaarden 0.0 33cl - Can - delivery worldwide -  Hazy, pale yellow with a large, frothy, almost stable, white head. Sweetish, fruity and slightly perfumy aroma of lemon peel, banana and peach. Very sweet, a little sourish, fruity and yeasty taste of lemon peel, banana and peach, followed by a short, slightly sourish, a bit yeasty finish. Thin body, slightly effervescent mouthfeel, average carbonation. 
Hanssens Experimental Cassis 6° - 37,5cl
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Cassis by Hanssens Artisanaal, a traditional Belgian blender of Lambics, is something of a landmark among beers of its type, pouring deep ruby red underneath a fine pink head.
3 Fonteinen Framboos 6° - 3/4L
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3 Fonteinen Framboos 6° - 3/4L - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
(5/5) on 1 rating(s)
3 Fonteinen Hommage 6° - 3/4L
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3 Fonteinen Hommage 6° - 3/4L - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
Scotch C.T.S 7.2° - 1/4L
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Scotch C.T.S 7.2° - 1/4L - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
Piedboeuf Brune 1.1° - 3/4L
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Piedboeuf Brune 1.1° - 3/4L - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
(5/5) on 1 rating(s)
Lindemans Cassis 4° - 37,5CL
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Lindemans Cassis 4° - 37,5CL - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
Kriek Lindemans 3.5°-37,5cL
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Kriek Lindemans 3.5°-37,5cL - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
Kriek Lindemans 3.5°-1/4L
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Kriek Lindemans 3.5°-1/4L - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
Framboise Lindemans 2.5°-37,5 cl
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Framboise Lindemans 2.5°-37,5 cl - delivery worldwide - discount following quantities purchased.
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