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Duvel 6.66 Blond 6.7° - 1/3L
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Brewed for the 150th anniversary of the brewery with 6 hops
The sunny, warm yellow design of the bottles already suggests it. This Duvel is mild, expressive and deliciously drinkable. No fewer than 6 different hop varieties are used for Duvel 6.66%: just like the classic Duvel, it’s based on the noble and exclusive hop varieties Saaz and Styrian Golding. The flavour is then balanced by adding four expertly selected hop varieties to the mix, which also involves the dry-hopping method.
(5/5) on 1 rating(s)
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The golden blonde Westmalle Extra is only brewed twice a year, primarily for use within the abbey. Westmalle Extra is the table beer served to the monks and their guests and is brewed with water, barley malt and hop cones. The Westmalle Dubbel and Tripel yeast is also used for this beer. Westmalle Extra is also top-fermented but it is considerably lighter, at 4.8%, alcohol-by-volume than its brother brews. It has the characteristic Westmalle aroma with hops coming through in the finish. It is a real thirst-quencher.
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Delirium Black Barrel Aged 11,5° - 3/4L
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Brewed by Huyghe brewery, Delirium Black is a mixture of Delirium Nocturnum and Delirium Noël which ages for 9 months in bourbon oak barrels.
(4,5/5) on 2 rating(s)
Haacht Super 8 Flandrien 6.4° - 1/3L
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Haacht SUPER 8 Flandrien is a blond beer full of character. The new leader of the SUPER 8 range is a blond beer with a alcohol content of 6,4%, easy to drink and for the go-getters among us.
A leader without a strong team behind him wouldn’t win any prizes. That’s why we’ve surrounded him with spicy team members such as oak, vanilla, coriander and hops like Saaz hop, Belgian hop and herbal and floral hop. Strong seasonings that will delight the real beer lovers.
Belgenius Belgian Haze IPA 6.5° - 1/3L
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The recipe of this hazy India Pale Ale is as playful as the Belgian shepherd dog. We combine late and dry hopping with a unique yeast that complements fruity hoppy flavors. In true Belgian tradition, we do not filter the beer and do a secondary fermentation in the bottle to maximize all the goodness. The combination of these techniques create a natural haze and silky smooth taste.
Belgenius Bio Wheat, Oats & Barley Ale 6° - 1/3L
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This organic three grain blonde beer combines organic wheat, oats and barley in a unique and refreshing way for a sublime taste. The lightness of wheat, the creaminess of oats and high quality barley are complemented by special hops. The fruity yeast and the bottle conditioning further adds to its final wholesome character.
Arendonker Tripel 8° - 1/3L
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Brewed by Anders brewery for Humulus brewery, the Arendonker Tripel is delivered worldwide. Arendonker tripel is a blond fermentation beer of high fermentation with secondary fermentation in the bottle. Arendonker triple is traditionally brewed with Munich malt and a delicate aroma hop. The blonde beer is typically fruity in the aroma and has a slightly bitter aftertaste. The beer drinks away quickly, but is therefore somewhat treacherous. After all, it remains a triple beer with an alcohol content of 8% vol.
Adriaen Brouwer Tripel 9° - 1/3L
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With ingredients such as coriander, Curaçao and organic Belgian hops, the Adriaen Brouwer Tripel, brewed at Roman brewery,  results in a spicy premium organic tripel with 9 percent alcohol by volume. 
This beer is delivered worldwide.
Baptist Blond 5.2° - 1/3L
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This beer is brewed at the brewery Van Steenberge. Baptist Blond is a clear beer of high fermentation without secondary fermentation. It is a slightly bitter full-bodied beer with soft aftertaste. 
Baptist was brewed on the occasion of the opening of Bar Baptist in Brewery Van Steenberge and also a tribute to Jan Baptist de Bruyne, founder of the brewery in 1784.
Martha Sexy Blond 8° - 1/3L
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The "Marha Sexy Blond" is a beer brewed at the " Belgian Brew Factory". Martha was born in the twenties in Heule, a small but picturesque little village in Belgium. Keen on beer, she developed a very unique premium blond recipe for her favorite brew.
Today her savoir-faire  &  tradition  are  very  much  alive  in  her  memory. Not only was she loved by all but she was sexy, crazy, happy, wild, busy and rough.
Fonteinen Hommage BIO Framboos 6.3° - 3/4L
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This particular Hommage has macerated for 5.5 months on a 2,000 litre oak foeder and with 280 kilos of sour cherries and 837 kilos of organic raspberries. The final fruit intensity is 372 grams of fruit per litre of Hommage. 100% 3 Fonteinen. 3 Fonteinen Hommage is the result of macerating hand-picked whole sour cherries and raspberries on young lambic for at least four months, in a proportion of 760 to 800 grams of raspberries and 200 to 240 grams of sour cherries per litre of lambic. This fruit lambic is then blended again with more lambic to obtain a minimum intensity of 35% fruit. Hommage is a bodied raspberry lambic beer, with an intense deep red forest fruit bouquet. This unfiltered and unpasteurised lambic is all-natural with no artificial juices, syrups, or sugars added.
Rodenbach Fruitage 4.2° - 1/4L
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Rodenbach Fruitage gets its name from age-old brewing techniques combined with fruit infusions.  It’s an instant classic – comprised of 25% authentically aged Rodenbach (2-year matured beer from oak standing Foeders) blended with 75% young Rodenbach ale with added cherries and elderberries.  Fruitage is light and refreshing, perfect for easy drinking. 
BDA - Bière Des Amis ( Beer Of Friends) 5.8° - 1/3L
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Bière des Amis (Beer of Friends) is produced by Brasserie des Légendes. No matter the time or place, there is always a good opportunity to take some time to share a beer with friends. These moments of reunion, without any hassle, enjoying a good beer and telling a few stories from the past or about future projects, are among the simple things that count most….
(4/5) on 1 rating(s)
Gentse Strop 6.9° - 1/3L
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Gentse Strop 6,9°, from Roman brewery,  owes its name to the proud people of Ghent who are nicknamed “stroppendragers” or noose-wearers. In 1540, the people of Ghent refused to pay an additional war tax, with the result that Emperor Charles V had the ringleaders parade through Ghent with a noose around their necks, as a sign that they deserved to go to the gallows. Still today, the noose continues to symbolise proud resistance against any form of tyranny and misplaced authority. Gentse Strop is a tribute to anyone who feels a sense of pride in their soul.
Barbar Rouge 8° - 1/3L
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Topped with a thin and refreshing head, and offering a slight purple colour, the Barbãr Rouge , from Lefebvre brewery, reveals a powerful cherry nose. This beer is gifted with strong aromas offering notes of honey, spices, plants and malt.
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Houppe Jambes En L'Air 4,8° - 1/3L
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Brewed by Brasserie de Namur, and delivered worldwide, Houppe Jambes en l'Air is a golden-coloured lager containing 4.8° alcohol. A beer with character, has an engaging nose that subsequently room for an aromatic beer whose distinctive hopped character lingers in the palate. Great moments of pleasure await you with this refreshing beer.
Ename Pater 5.5° - 1/3L
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The Ename Pater is produced at Roman brewery. The brewers were inspired for this special, cloudy abbey beer by how the monks of old used to brew small amounts of beer for their own consumption. After all, the Fathers are entitled to a tasty glass of beer to quench their thirst too. But aware of their obligations as they were, they created a version with less alcohol. This allowed their minds to stay clear for work and prayer. Fortunately, the lower alcohol content had no effect on the characteristic abbey beer flavour.
Verhaeghe Barbe Ruby 7,7° - 1/3L
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From Verhaeghe Brewery, the Barbe Ruby is a top-fermented beer. The “Barbe Ruby” is  the fruity beer in the series of “Barbe” beers. Its taste has aromas of fruit with hints of almonds and light sour cherries. The taste is initially sweet and fruity and keeps nicely the balance with a refreshing aftertaste.
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Gulden Draak Imperial Stout 12° - 1/3L
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Gulden Draak Imperial Stout is produced by Van Steenberge brewery, and is delivered worldwide. A limited-edition brew renowned for its deep, dark colour and sought after for its delicious, dry bitterness. LIMITED EDITION!
(4/5) on 1 rating(s)
Oud Beersel Oude Geuze Oude Pijpen 6.5° - 37,5cl
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"Oude  Pijpen", produced by Oud Beersel brewery,  are old barrels of 650 liters that are used for Lambic for generations. The barrels were used to transport port wine by boat to Belgium and were purchased by Lambic breweries. These barrels are between 60 and 120 years old and give a character of old wood combined with expressive flavors of traditional Lambic.
Leffe Blond 0,0% - 1/3L
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Leffe Blond 0,0% produced by Ab-Inbev is delivered worldwide. This beer is the very first completely alcohol-free abbey beer in Belgium. The taste of an alcohol-free beer like Leffe Blond 0.0% is authentic and qualitative thanks to a unique alcoholization technique developed by the brewers of the AB InBev brewery.
(5/5) on 2 rating(s)
Goliath Blond 6° - 1/3L
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Brewed at Brasserie des Légendes (brasserie des Géants), the Goliath Blond is a nice ale sweet and sweet maltée that we suggest you taste with pleasure. The Goliath is a blond beer with a pretty golden robe and a fine but persistent foam cap. The beautiful blonde par excellence.
Slaapmutske FLOSS 5° - 1/3L
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FLOSS= Flemish Old-Style Sour Ale . This ale is the result of traditional yeast fermentation and fermentation with Brettanomyces which gives the pleasant and refreshing sour touch. This beer is delivered worldwide.
Tynt Meadow Trappist Ale 7.4° - 1/3L
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The Tynt Meadow Trappist beer is the UK's first ever Trappist beer. It's produced at Leicestershire's Mount Saint Bernard Abbey.
The dark, full-bodied ale is named Tynt Meadow, which follows the Trappist beer tradition of being named after the place in which the monastery is situated.

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Zundert 10 Trappist 10° - 1/3L
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This beer is brewed by the monks from the abbey Maria Toevlucht.  Zundert 10 is a quadrupel with spicy hints, is deep redbrown with a nice beige head. Aroma of dried fruit, spices, drop and chocolate. Full and soft, balanced with a nice hopbitterness.
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Dekoninck Oude Kriek A l'Ancienne 6.5° - 37,5cl
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Brewed at Frank Boon brewery, this beer is delivered worldwide. Dekoninck Kriek is a spontaneous fermented beer made of old and young Lambic beer aged on oak barrels. Per liter beer 400 grams of cherries are used. Sweet-sour easy-drinking Kriek. Brewed at the Boon brewery.
BZART Kriek Cuvée 2011 7.2° - 3/4L
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Bzart Kriek Cuvée 2011 has its origins in the collaboration between Domus Ad Fontes and the brewery 'Oud Beersel'. Oud Beersel is known for its artisanal lambic brewed according to ancient traditional methods and Domus Ad Fontes as a winemaker with the oldest vineyard in Belgium where emanates splendid sparkling wines ultra gross.
BZART Geuze Cuvée 2011 8° - 3/4L
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Bzart Geuze Cuvée 2011 has its origin in the collaboration between Domus Ad Fontes and the brewery 'Oud Beersel'. Oud Beersel is known for its artisanal lambic brewed according to ancient traditional methods and Domus Ad Fontes as a winemaker with the oldest vineyard in Belgium where emanates splendid sparkling wines ultra gross.
Blanche de Bruxelles Rosée 4.5° - 1/4L
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With its pink grapefruit colour, Blanche de Bruxelles Rosée, from Lefebvre Brewery,  is striking for its slightly acidic, delicately sweet taste. 
Rasta Trolls 7° - 1/3L
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Developed in 2018 by Dubuisson brewery, the Rasta Trolls is a special version of Cuvée des Trolls enriched with natural aromas of brown rum.
The beer comes in a green bottle and is ultra-refreshing. It’s the ideal beer to enjoy as an aperitif, after work or in the evening. In short, this is the perfect beer to help you relax. Rasta Trolls has an alcohol percentage of 7%. Do not worry, beer happy
Brugse Sport Zot 0,4° - 1/3L
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Brewed at the Halve Maan brewery, Sportzot is the first alcohol-free Belgian speciality beer with a very rich and unique taste. The new technique allows the brewers to filter out the alcohol in a natural way, without distilling nor using other manipulations, the brouwers can assure the rich taste of our speciality beer.
(5/5) on 1 rating(s)
Rodenbach Alexander 5.6° - 1/3L
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From Rodenbach brewery, Rodenbach Alexander is a legendary Cherry Ale made on the basis of Rodenbach Grand Cru (a blend of 1/3 young and 2/3 two-year-old ale matured in oak casks) that is macerated with sour cherries. 
Gouden Carolus UL.T.R.A. 3.7° - 1/3L
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This beer produced by Het Anker brewery is delivered worldwide. Gouden Carolus UL.T.R.A. combines the ultimate taste experience with reduced alcohol for greater enjoyment. This Belgian ale is deliciously smooth and slightly spiced with a dry aftertaste.
Slaapmutske Dubbel Glutenvrij 7.4° - 1/3L
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Brewed by the De Proefbrouwerij brewery for brewery Slaapmutske, this beer (GLUTEN FREE) is a dark brown beer of top-fermentation with refermentation in the bottle. This beer of 7,4 Vol%, brewed with different colour malts and aromatic hops, is deglutinized during lagering.
The mouthfeeling is very malty and goves a warm softness. The refermentation provides a fine and creamy foam that sticks to the glass.
Elfique IPA 6° - 1/3L
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This beer from Elfique brewery and delivered worldwide is an “India Pale Ale” : fresh and revitalising, with its pronounced bitterness it quenches any thirst and will be a clear choice as an aperitif!
Hints of various flavours: a touch of lychee, flavoured with hops.
HOPverdomme IPA 7°
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Brewed by Kerkom Brouwerij and delivered worldwide. This beer is a response to the very bitter beers that are being brewed all around the world at present. In this case, the denomination IPA does not stand for India Pale Ale, but for Incredible, Powerful & Amazing.
Karmeliet Tripel Keg 6L for Perfectdraft
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Product from Bosteels Brewery - delivery worldwide - The name Tripel karmeliet thus refers both to its origin and its in-bottle refermentation. From many trial brews of multigrain tripels carried out at our brewery in the 90s, it appears that the particular historic combination of the 3 kinds of grain still remains the ideal blend.
(1/5) on 1 rating(s)
De Oude Cam Trosbessen 6.5° - 3/4L
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Produce buy Geuzestekerij De Cam - delivery worldwide - De Cam Trosbessen is made with 45 kg of Red current berries per 100 liter Kriek. The entire berries are used. 
De Oude Cam Wilde Bosbessem 6° - 3/4L
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DE CAM WILDE BOSBESSEN (WILD BLUEBERRIES) - delivery Worldwide - De Cam Wilde Bosbessen is an unfiltered Lambic-Fruit beer made with 40 kg wild blueberries per 100 liter young lambic beer, aged on oak foeders.  
888 Tripel Eight 8.8° - 1/3L
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The Belgian 888 Tripel Eight is a smooth drinking blonde beer with a hint of hops and an alcohol content of 8,8%. The taste can be described as fruity, delicately herbaceous, not dry nor sweet. Beer lovers will discover a touch of banana and a very subtle note of coriander. The taste of citrus fruit enhances the freshness of the beer. This specialty beer is medium to full bodied and has a fine after taste. 
(1/5) on 1 rating(s)
Lindemans GingerGueuze 6° - 3/4L
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Lindemans GingerGueuze is a blend of one- to three-year-old lambic, that has fermented in oak barrels with fresh galangal. After maturing in the bottle, the beer has a deep golden colour. The harmony between the sourness of the lambic with the freshness of the galangal makes it a perfect aperitif and ideal for food pairing.
3 Fonteinen Oude Kriekeblambik 5.4° - 37.5CL
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This Oude Kriekenlambik, brewed by 3 Fonteinen brewery,  is made by macerating cherries on young, traditional Lambic beer for at least 4 months. Unfiltered without any addition of colouring or flavouring agents.
Tripel LeFort 8.8° - 1/3L
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Brewed at Omer Vander Ginste brewery,  Tripel LeFort is a golden blonde beer of 8.8% ABV and sets itself apart through its crisp, fruity aroma and beautifully rounded full flavour.  The top-fermenting yeast used for Tripel LeFort results in a beer with vanilla-clove aromas as well as a fruity taste of bananas and red apples. Pleasant hints of citrus, lime and roses make this into a balanced beer that is intriguingly complex at the same time.